中東杜拜國際建材、五金、工具、石材及空調展(BIG 5)

中東杜拜國際建材、五金、工具、石材及空調展(BIG 5)

  • 展覽日日期2010/11/22~2010/11/25
  • 地點地點杜拜國際展覽中心,中東阿拉伯聯合大公國 杜拜
Big Events Deserve Big Ideas! Welcome to The Big 5 Construction Conference With a mixture of keynote speeches, case study presentations and project showcases, the brand new Big 5 Construction Conference will enable you to get the latest intellectual content all under one roof. Not only that, there will be plenty of networking opportunities with the leaders of construction companies; CEOs, Chairmen, Senior Vice Presidents and Regional Directors. Conference speakers will come from major developers, architect and design firms, engineers, main contractors and MEP contractors; making this conference a high value event for you.


在找手工具及其他手工具相關產業之產品嗎?千萬不要錯過「台灣手工具年鑑」。這本書讓您對台灣手工具產品有深入而完整的報導,內容包羅萬象,輕鬆找到您想要採購的商品,想要得到外國買主的注意嗎?快來跟我們聯絡,一起將您的高品質產品外銷到全球! ...(更多)


內含國內各項工業零組件優良廠商名錄,涵蓋各工業類別如︰橡膠、塑膠、運輸設備、電子零件、機械、五金零組件、醫療設備、模具、金屬等,提供國內外各成品廠商找尋績優的台灣代工廠。 "台灣工業零組件廠商總覽" 為年鑑,於六月出版。