BuildTech & MHX 馬來西亞國際建材建築展暨五金展

  • 展覽日日期2010/09/22~2010/09/25
  • 地點地點PWTC (Putra World Trade Centre),吉隆坡, 馬來西亞
Universal Exhibition Services Sdn Bhd is proud to present BuildTech; the trade show exclusively dedicated to the building and construction industry. Serving one fo the fastest growing industries in Malaysia, BuildTech is your fundamental business platform to meet both present customer as well as your potential clients in a favorable environment to make more and better businesses for your company. BuildTech is your best option to publicize your products, news and services known and to expand your business fields. Why BuildTech BuildTech is the venue of choice for building professionals (developers, specifiers, contractors and distributors) in search of products, services and news in the industry. The show is the perfect meeting ground for product manufacturers to network and do business with their customers and suppliers. Exhibiting at BuildTech would provide you the assurance of a high profile promotion of your company, news on your new products will spread more swiftly and of increasing sales and forging new business contracts. BuildTech aims to: •Provide an understanding of today`s market challenges and changes the industry is undergoing and how they affect your business. •Identify market trends and the technological challenges of the future. •Introduce and learn the latest innovations and publicise product performances` and new functionalities •Forge necessary client contacts as well as new business partners and industry contacts to expand and manage your business. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Software to your Hardware MHX, the international hardware show is the perfect sourcing ground for the hardware and DIY sector. Serving one of the largest and highly fragmented industries in Malaysia, MHX will gather thousands of business professionals over a period of 4 days, providing opportunities for face-to-face trading, networking and learning between buyers and suppliers in the hardware industry. MHX will gather means having the assurance of high profile promotion of one company, the word about one`s new products will spread more rapidly and of forging new sales contact and of expanding sales. MHX aims to: •Provide an understanding of today`s market challenges and changes the industry is undergoing and how they affect your business. •Identify market trends and the technological challenges of the future. •Introduce and learn the latest innovations and publicise product performances` and new functionalities •Forge necessary client contacts as well as new business partners and industry contacts to expand and manage your business.


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