

  • 展覽日日期2006/10/31~2006/11/03
  • 地點地點國際會議中心,美國 拉斯維加斯
  • 旗幟CENS 攤位號:#1336
The SEMA Show is the premier automotive specialty products trade event in the world. It draws the industry`s brightest minds and hottest products to one place, the Las Vegas Convention Center. As part of AAIW, the SEMA Show attracts more than 100,000 industry leaders from over 100 countries for unlimited profit opportunities in the automotive, truck and SUV, marine and RV markets. SEMA Show 2005 drew over 50,000 domestic and international buyers through two million square feet of exhibits. The displays are segmented into 11 sections, and a New Products Showcase features more than 1,400 newly introduced parts, tools and components. In addition, the SEMA show provides attendees with educational seminars, product demonstrations, special events, networking opportunities and more.



對國內的汽車、機車、特種車輛零配件暨維修工具和製造設備等廠商資料,有著鉅細靡遺的介紹,此書早已在國內外市場上建立屹立不搖的信譽。 台灣車輛零配件總覽一年二期,出刊月分別為四月及九月,敬請期待。


在找手工具及其他手工具相關產業之產品嗎?千萬不要錯過「台灣手工具年鑑」。這本書讓您對台灣手工具產品有深入而完整的報導,內容包羅萬象,輕鬆找到您想要採購的商品,想要得到外國買主的注意嗎?快來跟我們聯絡,一起將您的高品質產品外銷到全球! ...(更多)