

  • 展覽日日期2014/03/17~2014/03/20
  • 地點地點阿曼國際展覽中心,馬斯喀特, 阿曼
The BIG Show is an international annual exhibition that caters to the building and construction industry in Oman and the Middle East market. It features an extensive range of the latest building materials, construction equipment, wood and woodworking machinery, water technologies, green energy, and interior furnishings. In 2010, it was rebranded The BIG Show as part of Omanexpo’s corporate and event brand development initiatives to further strengthen its image and market positioning. In 2009, it was recognized and certified as a UFI-approved event. The BIG Show is recognized as the biggest and most important event in Oman. Exhibition Hours: March 17: 11:00am –7:00pm March 18-20: 4:00pm – 10:00pm Venue: Oman International Exhibition Center, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Exhibition Profile: Ceramic & Marble, Kitchen & Bathrooms, Interior Design, Pool & Spa, Wood and Woodwork Machinery, Steel, HVAC, Green Energy, Concrete & Cement, Construction Equipment & Tools, Doors & Windows, Water Technologies Visitor Profile: •Architects •Contractors •Consultants •End-Users/Buyers •Engineers •Homeowners •Importers/Distributors •Interior Designers •Manufacturers •Project Managers •Property Developers •Property Managers •Property Owners •Purchasing Managers •Real Estate Agents •Retailers and Suppliers •Site Managers


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內含國內各項工業零組件優良廠商名錄,涵蓋各工業類別如︰橡膠、塑膠、運輸設備、電子零件、機械、五金零組件、醫療設備、模具、金屬等,提供國內外各成品廠商找尋績優的台灣代工廠。 "台灣工業零組件廠商總覽" 為年鑑,於六月出版。