Trucks International Review (TIR)

  • 展覽日日期2012/10/10~2012/10/12
  • 地點地點基輔國際展覽中心,基輔, 烏克蘭



TIR_NEW_SMALL.gifThe Premier Expo Company invites you to partake in the 8th Kyiv International TIR’2012 (Trucks International Review) Freight & Commercial Vehicle Show!

The TIR Show is a trade exhibition forum called to demonstrate brand-new kinds of trucks, special-purpose and commercial vehicles, their service and driving performance. Showing the vehicles from prominent world manufacturers, the event is a venue for a wide professional audience and the biggest review of achievements in the field of commercial, freight and passenger transport: from vehicle manufacture and realization to vehicle operation, maintenance and repair.

Retaining the world automobile production know-how, the TIR Show promotes the aggressive application and use of up-to-date and adapted to local conditions motor vehicles and technologies in Ukraine. Every year, the TIR Freight & Commercial Vehicle Show gathers key manufacturers and suppliers of equipment and services. Arranged on a regular basis test grounds of the show give the exhibitors a unique chance to demonstrate advantages and features of exhibited machinery, whereas the visitors can watch in action and even try on their own the exhibits.

 The TIR Show proved itself as an effective ground to promote products and display a positive image of many domestic and foreign companies. Quantitative score and qualitative measure of the TIR Show give all reasons to state that the event rises to be equal the Kyiv International SIA Motor Show. Taking, particularly, account of TIR’s progress, OICA included the TIR Freight & Commercial Vehicle Show in the international motor shows calendar along with the leading motor shows of the world such as the prominent Hanover “freight” motor show and famous motorcar shows in Geneva, Detroit, etc.

Autoexpo merges Premier Expo

December, 1, the merger of two leaders of the Ukrainian exhibition market, Autoexpo and Premier Expo, was completed.

Since 2012, all the events from the Autoexpo portfolio will be held under the auspices of Premier Expo, a subsidiary of ITE Group Plc (UK), one of the world’s leading organisers of international trade exhibitions and conferences.

This merger is a vivid manifestation of contemporary European business approaches and the great positive step in the development of the domestic exhibition industry. would add a new vector to exhibitions with the names and weight in the Ukrainian economy. We would like to assure you that the exhibitions will get a new impulse to the further growth not only nationally, but globally.

All the participants and visitors will be convinced in preserving the best traditions of the company. So, you still will be working with Autoexpo team professionals.

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