
  • 展覽日日期2012/07/04~2012/07/06
  • 地點地點東京有明國際展覽中心,日本 東京
  • 旗幟CENS 攤位號:A8-39, East Hall 5
* What is OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN? OFFICE FURNITURE JAPAN is the best gateway to enter into the office furniture Japan market. This is the one-stop shop for all importers, wholesalers, dealers, distributors, and mass-retailers to seek products across the globe in response to the increasing demand from every company from a wide variety of industries to achieve greater work efficiency, streamline the office environment, increase creativity, and motivate employees, etc. * Exhibit Profile Office Furniture Benches Desks Panels / Partitions Sofas Tables, etc. Chairs Kitchens for office use Reception counters Stools Storage Furniture Bookshelves Lockers Shoe boxes Trays Cabinets, Shelves Racks Storage boxes Wagons, etc. * Visitor Profile Importers / Distributors / Agents Mass retailers Mail-order companies Government & public offices Architect & design office Wholesalers Companies affiliated to office buildings Designers / Corporate users, etc.