芝加哥美國K/BIS廚浴展 (K/BIS in Chicago)

  • 展覽日日期2012/04/27~2012/04/29
  • 地點地點McCormick Place,美國 芝加哥
  • 旗幟CENS 攤位號:
- Why Attend? - Join tens of thousands of kitchen and bath professionals at KBIS 2012 and be among the first to see the latest products and trends that are changing the industry. Along with the thousands of innovative products you’ll see on the show floor, KBIS will offer plenty of cutting-edge educational sessions and ample networking events to keep you informed and connected to the industry. - About the Show - The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) is the world’s largest international trade event focused exclusively on all aspects of kitchens and baths specifically serving kitchen and bath dealers, designers, architects, remodelers, wholesalers and custom builders. It is the ultimate destination to discover the latest products, designs, trends and education that the industry has to offer. * Extensive show floor showcasing the latest products * Complimentary Opening Ceremony * Highly relevant and informative conference program * Best of KBIS * State of the Industry Address * Dynamic networking events * World-renowned industry speakers Specialty Pavilions Source products more effectively in these focused areas: Decorative Hardware Cabinetry Natural Stone & Tile Universal Design/Aging in Place International (China, Italy, Taiwan)


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