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3D all in direction 调整扶手获得reddot 评审一致推崇奖

ATEC’s 3D move in all direction adjustable arm rest had just won the reddot design award 2012!!

Within the space of front/back 2” & left/right 1”, our arm can stop into any point by button control.

The arm pad actual has 128 stop point in such small area with very smooth movement & soundless.

更多 公司最新讯息
公司名称: 广力达企业有限公司
地址: 338 桃园县芦竹乡中兴路756巷71弄38号
电话: 886-3-323-2775
传真: 886-3-323-3375
网址: www.atec1.com.tw
