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San Jung Industrial Co., Ltd. (SANJEX) is a professional company in the field of hardware, bicycle and wheelchair spare parts in Taiwan. Over 50 years, SANJEX devotes all its attention and knowledge to offer customers a wide range of components with good design, functions and certified quality system, ISO 9001:2008.

The brilliant performances of our products were approved, and successfully exported to the world as Europe, America, North-East Asia, Africa and Australia. Further, we earns fine reputation within customers, on account of offering a complete & flexible production line, quick response to customers' needs & wants, innovation, and stable quality.


凸輪軸, 皮帶輪, 鋁合金輪圈, 輪轂, 通用串列匯流排擴充器, 辦公椅輪, 腳輪, 塑鋼滑輪, 自行車零件, 車架及組件, 傳動零件, 控制零件, 手推車, 行李車, 購物推車/餐車, 傢俱用腳輪, 椅輪, 工業用輪, 活動關節齒輪, 車輪零件, 輪類

公司名称: 林三荣工业有限公司
