

  • 展览日日期2011/04/04~2011/04/08
  • 地点地点Messegelände,德国 汉诺威
  • 旗帜CENS 摊位号:Hall 17, B01
HANNOVER MESSE Profile Productive synergies The 13 leading trade fairs that make up HANNOVER MESSE 2011 will present a unique cross section of key industrial technologies. The declared goal of HANNOVER MESSE is to create a platform for the interplay between all relevant sectors and technologies - a goal that has now been achieved. No other trade show presents all the elements in the industrial value chain in such a comprehensive and integrated form. The key industrial sectors can display their individual strengths and at the same time engage in interdisciplinary knowledge transfer. * Tradeshow Lineup Industrial Automation Energy Power Plant Technology Wind MobiliTec Digital Factory ComVac Industrial Supply CoilTechnica SurfaceTechnology MicroNanoTec Research & Technology Motion, Drive & Automation



台湾机械杂志是由台湾第一份也是发行最久的机械采购指南,丰富的机械产业资讯可以满足您的任何采购需求,可谓是连接厂商与买主的最佳贸易桥梁。 台湾机械指南一年一期,出刊月份分别为八月,敬请期待。