

  • 展览日日期2018/03/22~2018/03/24
  • 地点地点Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo Kemayoran),印尼雅加达马腰兰国际展览中心
  • 旗帜CENS 摊位号:A3Q3-07
Grabing to meet Top Automotive Industry Players opportunity at The ASEAN’s Largest Trade show for Automotive Industry on March 2018 in Jakarta ━ Indonesia Positive outlook for Indonesia Automotive Market Indonesia`s automotive industry has become a pillar in the manufacturing sector which becomes the world`s leading manufacturer of oil and gas production in Indonesia and it makes Indonesia as the largest leading economy in the Southeast Asia. Moreover, Indonesia is experiencing a tremendous transition, from an export car production becoming the largest car sales market due to the price of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. S&P Global Ratings raised Indonesia’s credit rating to “investment grade”, bringing it in line with the other two main rating companies and paving the way for more fund inflows into Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Stocks surged to a record and the rupiah is advanced. Indonesia’s total installed car production capacity stands at 2.2 million units per years. However, the utilization of Indonesia’s installed car production capacity is expected to fall to 55 percent as the expansion of domestic car manufacturing capacity has not been in line with growth of domestic and foreign demand domestic-manufactured cars. However, there are no major concerns about this situation as domestic car demand has sufficient room for growth in the decades to come with Indonesia’s per capita car ownership which is still at very low level. In terms of market size, Indonesia is the biggest car market in the Southeast Asia. Indonesia accounts for about one-third of total annual car sales in ASEAN, followed by Thailand on the second position. Indonesia not only has a large population (over 260 million in habitants) but is also characterized by having a rapid expanding middle class. Therefore, these two factors create a powerf



对国内的汽车、机车、特种车辆零配件暨维修工具和制造设备等厂商资料,有著钜细靡遗的介绍,此书早已在国内外市场上建立屹立不摇的信誉。 台湾车辆零配件总览一年二期,出刊月分别为四月及九月,敬请期待。


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