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2018年广州国际照明展览会6月举行,敲定「思索 · 照明 - 思索 · 变革」为大会主题--逾85%展位已获率先认购,多家行业知名品牌继续到场参展


作为全球照明行业风向标,第23届广州国际照明展览会,将于2018年6月9至12日再度于广州中国进出口商品交易会展馆举行。上届大会在「思索照明」的展会概念下,以「整合未来」为研讨会主题,获得业界广泛认同及赞誉;在2018年,展会将在此基础上更进一步,高举「思索•变革」的中心思想,引领行业探索在数码化和互联互通的发展趋势之下,照明应用和产品应如何升级改造,以回应市场需求。 广州光亚法兰克福展览有限公司总经理胡忠顺先生分享新一届展会的主题理念,他指出:「数码化的照明新时代已经悄然来临,目前业界应当思量的是,如何应对这些崭新的转变和冲击,并从中改进技术、继续发光发亮。在广州照明展,我们一直致力

2018年廣州國際照明展覽會6月舉行,敲定「思索 · 照明 - 思索 · 變革」為大會主題--逾85%展位已獲率先認購,多家行業知名品牌繼續到場參展


作為全球照明行業風向標,第23屆廣州國際照明展覽會,將於2018年6月9至12日再度于廣州中國進出口商品交易會展館舉行。上屆大會在「思索照明」的展會概念下,以「整合未來」為研討會主題,獲得業界廣泛認同及讚譽;在2018年,展會將在此基礎上更進一步,高舉「思索•變革」的中心思想,引領行業探索在數碼化和互聯互通的發展趨勢之下,照明應用和產品應如何升級改造,以回應市場需求。 广州光亚法兰克福展览有限公司总经理胡忠顺先生分享新一屆展會的主題理念,他指出:「數碼化的照明新時代已經悄然來臨,目前業界應當思量的是,如何應對這些嶄新的轉變和衝擊,並從中改進技術、繼續發光發亮。在廣州照明展,我們一直致力

AAPEX2017 Again Lived Up to Its Solid Name as Most Influential Exhibition for Auto Aftermarket in North America


Held annually at Sands Expo in Las Vegas, the U.S., AAPEX (Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo) has ended another successful year and unveiled future trends of the continuously growing auto aftermarket and car servicing industries through a great deal of innovative products brought by exhibitors.

Hong Kong International Lighting Fair Autumn Edition 2017 Concluded with Phenomenal Success--the largest lighting fair in Asia posted a record high of 2,670 exhibitors from 38 countries


With the exhibitor number hitting a record high amid stable global economic growth, Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2017, organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) from October 27 thorough 31 in Hong Kong, again showed people all over the world the future trend



生輝創立於2010年,致力於生產LED燈具, 戶外燈, 路燈, 工作燈, LED軌道燈, LED燈泡, LED天井燈等產品及服務。目前主力發展智慧照明系統,提供顧客專業照明解決方案。 生輝海外品牌公關總監表示,公司此次於秋燈展重點展出智慧家居照明以及智慧零售照明兩大系統,以照明設備為載體,發展智慧照明平台。 生輝亞太地區總經理周咏翔表示,生輝此次以Innovation Beyond Lighting (始於燈,不止於燈)為主題參展。公司團隊非常看重每年的香港秋燈展,也對展會帶來的人潮與商機非常滿意,今年特地展出8個攤位,成功吸引大量專業買主前來參觀採購,也已有多位買主現場下單。

Ride on HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2017 and HKTDC Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo 2017--Register Now


HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition) 2017 returns to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) to showcase the latest lighting products and technology to international buyers. The Autumn Lighting Fair and the concurrent HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fai

Aeon Lighting Technology Inc.--High-power LED lights


Aeon Lighting Technology Inc. (ALT), an LED-lighting maker held by the world leading sever maker Supermicro Computer Inc., is promoting an assortment of high-power LED lights, including dimmable alternating-current (AC) MR16 lamps, dimmable AC PAR lamps, and T8 light tubes. The firm’s lamps are

ITRI Works on High Value-added Applications of Smart Lighting Technology--Government-funded R&D body releases spectrum-adjustable LED lighting module and LED-based indoor positioning system this year


In view of smart lighting showing strong potential to lead growth of the global lighting industry in the next decade, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), a Taiwanese government-funded R&D institute, released its spectrum-adjustable LED lighting modules and LED-based indoor positioning

AMPA 2017台灣廠商 最新動態一次掌握


文/莊士億 AMPA 2017(台北國際汽車零配件展)於4月19日正式於南港展覽館開幕,匯集數百家國內頂尖業者,共同展出各式各樣的汽配件及車用電子產品,完整呈現台灣堅強的研發與製造實力。 億光 台灣LED元件大廠億光電子,近年積極佈局車用市場,於今年AMPA所展示的產品分為三大主軸:內飾、外裝以及ADAS(Advanced Driver Assistance System先進駕駛輔助系統)。 汽車產品事業處專案經理陳家宏表示,億光本次展出的內飾照明主要有8個產品類別,其中包括近兩年歐美先進國家開始引發熱潮的車內情境光源模組,情境光源主要是透過感應器感測駕駛者的體溫

A Glance at 5 Taiwan’s High-profile Auto Parts Suppliers at Taipei AMPA 2017--Taiwan’s top-end LED maker attends trade fair with ADAS applications


At this year’s Taipei AMPA (Taipei International Auto Parts & Accessories Show), running from April 19 through 22 at TWTC Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1 in Taipei, capital of Taiwan, several hundreds of Taiwanese auto parts and accessories suppliers have been exhibiting varieties of new products

ITRI Leads Way in Developing OLED Lighting in Taiwan--High-profile R&D institute debuts flexible OLED lighting panels at this year’s TILS


In light of OLED (organic light-emitting diode) increasingly applied in lighting in modern times, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), a Taiwanese government-funded, pioneer R&D institute on advanced technology, has actively engaged in researching and developing related applied technolo

TILS and LED Taiwan 2017 Takes Place Apr. 12-15--Grand opening of 2-in-1 event has enabled easy access to Taiwan’s well integrated supply chain of LED lighting


Yesterday saw the grand opening of the Taiwan International Lighting Show 2017 (TILS 2017) and LED Taiwan 2017, with a large number of officers, celebrities and media attending to underscore the growing influence of the two-in-one event, which gathers 150 exhibitors to represent a thorough supply c

Evest Corporation--Precision glue dispensers, electronic & electric machinery, LED SMT machines


Evest Corporation, a leading intelligent automation solutions targeted at the photovoltaic industry, showcases its MI500 series SmartAuto system at TILS and LED Taiwan 2017. A winner of the 25th Taiwan Excellence Award, MI500 features outstanding performance, optimally engineered modular constru

Delta Electronics Inc.--LED bulbs, LED canopy, recessed low-bay lights, LED high-bay lights, LED streetlights


Delta Electronics Inc., a globally leading provider of power and thermal management solutions and listed in the Taiwanese bourse, is promoting a slate of new products at this year’s TILS and LED Taiwan. Among these exhibits, the street lighting solution is Delta’s pride, which is incorporated wi

TILS and LED Taiwan 2017 Together Usher in New Golden Age of Global Lighting Industry--Numerous trendsetting LED lighting solutions and innovative lighting fixtures on display will inspire visitors


With LED lighting popularity rapidly climbing worldwide, the Taiwan International Lighting Show (TILS) continues to be held in conjunction with LED Taiwan at the same venue this year, serving as a one-stop sourcing platform for buyers looking for new opportunities. LEDinside, a Taiwan-based mark



2007年創立至今,國際LED照明大廠浩然科技(Aeon Lighting Technology, ALT)立足台灣,以ALTLED®品牌深耕全球邁向第10週年。產品擁有一百多項全球專利及安規認證,更陸續榮獲各大國際設計獎項。具代表性的案例包含英國皇室蘭卡斯特宮、澳洲建築設計獎得主 坎都巴克學校圖書館、與曼谷四季酒店…等,其中英國皇室蘭卡斯特宮選用數千顆ALTLED®可調光蠟燭燈,璀璨燈光襯托宮殿更加典雅富麗。ALT以國際精品等級的LED照明,成功銷往世界各國。 LED照明發展已逐步取代傳統主照明,加上各國政府的扶植,消費者對LED照明亦不陌生。LED技術雖日新月異,但跌跌不休的價格

Winlites Ind. Co., Ltd.--LED lighting and applications


Since its inception in 1976 in Taipei City, northern Taiwan, Winlites Ind. Co., Ltd. has been dedicated to production and development of lighting products as one of the most seasoned makers in the line on the island. With sound production lines in a factory in China, the company turns out a wide

Color Vision Int`l Co., Ltd.--General lighting, landscape lighting, decorative lighting and public space lighting


An LED lighting designer and maker with over 10 years of experience in marketing and applications, Color International Co., Ltd. is good at general lighting, landscape lighting, decorative lighting and public space lighting. The firm’s general lighting category is composed of 5W and 10W MR16 lam

TAITRA Hosts Seminars in Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines as Warm-up for Upcoming TAIPEI AMPA 2017--Trade fair is to represent thorough supply chain of Taiwan’s auto-parts industry


According to the data by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and the Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association (TTVMA), the production value of Taiwan's automobile parts and accessories industry reached USD 7.342 billion in 2015, with around 2,510 manufacturers, includ

Chili Lighting Co., Ltd.--LED ball lamps, spotlights, threshold lights, tube lights, and street lights


Chili Lighting Co., Ltd. is an all-round LED-lighting supplier, designing, developing, producing, selling, and installing high-power LED lighting products. Currently, its products include ball lamps, spotlights, threshold lights, tube lights, and street lights. The company is promoting seven ind

The 9th HKTDC Hong Kong Int’l Lighting Fair (Spring Edition) to Help Global Lighting Industry Get Off to Good Start for 2017--Some 1,300 exhibitors from worldwide will be present at venue


The 9th edition of HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition) will be staged on April 6 through 9, 2017 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, with around 1,300 exhibitors from all over the world having already prepared to together offer global buyers a one-stop sourci

香港貿發局香港國際春季燈飾展 締造更多商機 綻放璀璨光芒


第9屆香港貿發局香港國際春季燈飾展將於2017年4月6至9日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,預計雲集約1,300名參展商參與,展示不同類型的燈飾及照明產品,為國際買家提供參觀及採購製成品、配件及零件的一站式平台。 LED照明和智能科技助燈飾業發展 貿發局經貿研究於2016年末進行問卷調查,訪問業界對燈飾市場前景的看法。報告指出,2017年增長潛力最大的產品為LED及環保照明(40%受訪者選擇),就LED照明產品的主要應用領域而言,業界認為在未來兩年室內家居照明(32%)和智能照明系統(21%)的增長潛力最大。至於對未來發展的看法,大部分受訪者(84%)認為智能科技在未來兩年將有助燈飾業的發展

Big Sun Industry Co., Ltd.--Auto LED lights, truck LED lights, lighting accessories


Big Sun Industry Co., Ltd., founded in 1978 in Taipei, northern Taiwan, has been dedicated to production and development of LED lightings for different applications as one of the most experienced, reliable suppliers in its line. Not many Taiwanese LED lighting makers are on a par with Big Sun in

Automechanika Frankfurt 2016 Continues to Lead the Way for Global Auto Parts Market--World’s largest automotive aftermarket exhibition recorded new high in exhibitor number of 4,820


With the exhibitor number hitting a record high amid moderate global economic growth, Automechanika Frankfurt 2016, organized by Messe Frankfurt GmbH from September 13 through 17 in Germany, again lived up to its solid name as world’s largest, most important trade fair for the global automotive aft

Buckingham Industrial Corp.--LED lights, commercial and residential lighting fixtures


Ever since founded in 1991 in Taipei, northern Taiwan, Buckingham Industrial Corp. has been dedicated to designing, developing and manufacturing commercial and residential lighting fixtures for over 25 years as a high-profile supplier of its kind. With operations across the Taiwan Strait, the co

ADATA Lighting Promotes COB LED High Bay Lights for Industrial Application--Products received buyers’ strong attention at Hong Kong Int’l Lighting Fair Autumn Edition 2016


At HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair Autumn Edition 2016, held October 27-30, ADATA Lighting from Taiwan was upbeat receiving quite a few inquiries from professional buyers on its COB LED high bay lights displayed in a booth in Hall of Aurora. Launched in 2010, ADATA Lighting is an eme

Home Resource of Taiwan Displays LED Grow Lights at HKTDC Hong Kong Int’l Lighting Fair Autumn Edition 2016--Futuristic, minimal exterior designs are among features of the products


With LED lighting increasingly applied in growing plants and crops indoors as a promising trend in the industry, Home Resource Industrial Co., Ltd., a major LED lighting manufacturer in Taiwan and with operations across the Taiwan Strait, brought its LED Grow Lights series to this year’s HKTDC Hong

Hong Kong Int’l Lighting Fair Autumn Edition 2016 Sees Phenomenal Success--World’s largest lighting fair posted a record high of 2,667 exhibitors from 37 countries


Recognized as world’s largest, most successful trade fair for the global lighting industry, HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair Autumn Edition again lived up to the unparalleled reputation in 2016 by not just continuously scoring high turnout, but bringing together trendsetting technologies

Chairman Soddy Huang of TLFEA Poised to Boost Development of Taiwan’s Lighting Industry--New chairman eyes strong market potential in ASEAN bloc


Ever since elected the new chairman of Taiwan Lighting Fixture Export Association (TLFEA) this May, Soddy Huang, also head of Kingtec Group, a conglomerate of lighting, hardware and electronic parts businesses, has had his schedule filled with more meetings with officials and traveled even more fre

Buckingham General Manager Shares Insights on How Taiwan Lighting Fixture Makers Can Do to Stay Globally Competitive--Sticking to environmental protection and safety in R&D is among savvy strategies


This year’s HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair Autumn Edition, held October 27-30 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, again proved the unparalleled presence of China in the global market for lighting fixtures: Chinese companies continued to make up the majority of over 2,500