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AAPEX 2023 Post-Show Report


Intro On November 2, 2023, the three-day Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX) for this year concluded. Over the past three years, navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic and the subsequent partial recovery last year, this year's event stood out with an impressive assembly of appr

Bridging Borders: CENS and the Taiwan Hardware Show 2023


Commencing today, the 22nd Edition of the Taiwan Hardware Show (THS) takes place at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2. This year's theme, "Bridging Borders, Empowering Supply Chains in Taiwan," has been thoughtfully chosen to highlight Taiwan's central role as the primary production and suppl

台灣五金展暨iMT Taiwan、T-Safe展 10月18日南港展覽館二館盛大登場


由開國有限公司舉辦的台灣五金展(THS)、台灣金屬材料暨精密加工設備展(iMT Taiwan)與台灣工業暨職業安全展(T-Safe),將在10月18至20日於南港展覽館二館展出,展示來自10國,逾300間卓越參展商的技術產品,展出達1萬平方米,今年主軸以「連結國際,強化供應鏈」凸顯台灣位居亞洲及全球生產、供應及貿易核心的地位。 台灣五金展(THS)、台灣金屬材料暨精密加工設備展(iMT)將展示各種產品和服務,包括電動工具、工具和配件、鎖具和配件、緊固件與扣件、建築材料、水電五金、園藝和戶外設備、汽車用品和配件、機械和設備。與此同時,台灣工業暨職業安全展(T-Safe)將展示安全設備產品

Quality and Collaboration: Taiwan-Japan Trade Gains Momentum


To address the challenges posed by global inflation and the repercussions of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), has commissioned the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) to orchestrate collaborative efforts within the

國際五金工具博覽會 今台中盛大開展


2023台灣國際五金工具博覽會Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo今(4)日在台中國際展覽館盛大開展,並邀請總統府資政沈榮津、行政院政務委員龔明鑫、經濟部次長林全能、立法委員何欣純及台中市副市長王育敏等數十位產官學界代表受邀出席剪綵。展會超過20家產業公協會共同協辦,海內外逾300家參展廠商,展出面積更擴增達6,500平方公尺,較去年首屆大幅成長40%,預估將創下3萬參觀人次,藉由展示協助本土手工具推上國際。 台灣手工具工業同業公會理事長賴亮孜表示,感謝中央到地方政府對展會的具體協助,讓業界充分感受政府相挺手工具產業的心意,在面對世界

TiTE 2023台灣五金工具博覽會 看展就近訪廠一站式採購國際級展會


2023台灣國際五金工具博覽會(Taiwan International Tools& Hardware Expo(TiTE 2023)」(4)日於在台中國際展覽館盛大登場,聚集逾300家國內外五金暨手工具廠商、使用面積超過6,400平方米,是全台五金暨手工具業最大規模展覽,更可讓國際買家看展就近訪廠,一站式的採購效益的國際級展會。 台灣手工具工業同業公會賴亮孜理事長指出,台灣為全球第三大手工具出口國,若包含品牌代工則為全球大出口國,長期穩定為全球供貨,在高階產品線全球市佔率堪稱第一,廠家以工匠精神,及精密工藝製造手工具,台灣已是頂級手工具創新研發基地。 賴亮孜說,台灣擁有逾2,

台灣五金展引領產業創綜效 集結國際供應商買主


台北將迎來大型的全球製造商與買家盛會-第22屆台灣五金展(THS)、第8屆台灣金屬材料暨精密加工設備展(iMT)與台灣工業暨職業安全展(T-Safe)三大展會,將於10月18日至20日在台北南港展覽館二館同期展出。其主題為「連結國際、強化供應鏈」,凸顯台灣位居亞洲及全球生產、供應及貿易核心的地位,此擁有來自多國國際買主的貿易展覽,將為全球五金、金屬加工技術和職業工業安全產業提供嶄新的貿易平台。 主辦單位開國公司表示,THS、iMT和T-SAFE三展,展出來自10個國家、300家參展廠商卓越技術產品,展出面積達1萬平方米,集結多個產業指標大廠和新創廠商,一同展示其嶄新並滿足多元產業發展所

五金工具博覽會 登場


台灣五金工具產業的年度盛事,2023台灣國際五金工具博覽會(Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo)今(4)日在台中國際展覽館登場,逾300家廠商、使用面積達6,500平方公尺,較上屆成長逾40%,預計有逾30個國家地區,及包括日本自動車機械器具工業會組團參訪、超過500位國外買主到場採購。 台灣手工具工業同業公會理事長賴亮孜指出,台灣為全球前五大手工具出口國,長期為全球提供穩定貨源、成為全球手工具相關產業業者重視的夥伴。在高端產品線更在全球占有一席之地,台灣已是專業級手工具創新研發基地。公會主辦TiTE以提振五金工具產業發展宗旨,積極開拓

經濟日報/中經社 五金工具博覽會爭取即時商機


由經濟部國際貿易署指導,台灣手工具公會主辦暨超過20家產業公協會共同協辦之「2023台灣國際五金工具博覽會Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo(TiTE 2023)」,於今(4)日於台中國際展覽館盛大開展。財經與產業的專業媒體經濟日報/中經社,於展場發送手工具年鑑專業雜誌與五金報紙專刊,為廠商爭取即時商機。 今年海內外逾300家參展廠商,共同迎接來自歐美、中東等地區的百餘位採購買主,海內外訪客預估將創下3萬參觀人次。業界樂觀評估本屆買氣暢旺,訂單成長可望爆量,將再次寫下台灣手工具產業的外銷歷史新頁。 本展經濟日報/中經社攤位於N34

CENS Empowers Business Networking at TiTE 2023


Under the guidance of the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), the Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo (TiTE 2023), organized by the Taiwan Hand Tool Manufacturers Association and co-organized by over 20 industry associations, commenced today (10/04) at th

國際五金工具博覽會 4日台中開展


由經濟部國貿局指導,台灣手工具公會主辦,超過20家產業公協會共同協辦之「2023台灣國際五金工具博覽會Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo(TiTE 2023)」將在10月4日於台中國際展覽館盛大開展。主辦單位表示,排除疫情干擾後,今年海內外逾300家參展廠商,將共同迎接來自歐美、中東等地區的百餘位採購買主,海內外訪客預估可達3萬參觀人次,業界咸認這屆買氣、訂單成長可望同步上揚,有機會再次寫下台灣手工具產業的外銷歷史新頁。 一站式採購 住宿補貼吸買家 該展會過去以展出成效獲得業界支持,參展商更是高度肯定,不僅續展率高達70%,展

China International Hardware Show 2023 concludes its remarkable 20-year journey and sets to embark on the new chapter of China’s hardware industry


• Grand closing of China International Hardware Show 2023 with its 20th anniversary. • Industry forums and innovation awards bring in new insights to capture hardware trends. • Positive feedback from the CIHS 2023 onsite, exhibitors and visitors have confirmed their next participations. China’

3 Synergistic Exhibitions Bridging Borders, Empowering Supply Chains in Taiwan


The stage is set for a large global manufacturer-buyer gathering as Taipei welcomes three synergistic exhibitions featuring the 22nd edition of Taiwan Hardware Show (THS), 8th edition of International Metal Technology Taiwan (iMT Taiwan), and 1st edition of T-Safe Occupational Safety Taiwan. Themed

From Mechanization to Automation: VietnamWood Leads the Way


Amidst the resurgence of the U.S. economy in the latter half of the year, the construction industry is experiencing a renewed demand and is poised to revive Vietnam's woodworking market. In response to this upbeat industry trend, VietnamWood has convened over 320 exhibitors from 28 countries and re

亞洲五金展覽會Asian Hardware Online Exhibition 2023盛大展出


台灣台北 - Media OutReach - 2023年9月7日 - 亞洲五金展覽會 (Asian Hardware Online Exhibition 2023)虛實整合,以亞洲供應商及進出口商為對象,將在2023年09月07日起展出至2024年03月06日,預期將帶給參展廠商絕佳的品牌露出機會。這個由AsianNet 亞洲網路與 TradeAsia (www.e-tradeasia.com) 亞洲貿易網所聯合舉辦的跨國性貿易盛會,從2022年開始一年舉辦一次,已經締造了輝煌的成果,也為參展廠商帶進許多買家商機,無論在質與量上,都有令人滿意的成果。2023年我們將擴大舉辦,展期六個月之中

Driving Forward: An Overview of 2023 Automotive Exhibition Ventures (From TAPA to INA PAACE)


Based on data from the Automotive Research & Testing Center (ARTC), the global automotive market's sales revenue has yet to fully recover to its pre-pandemic levels. In comparison to 2021, the global automotive market experienced a decline of 0.6% in 2022. However, the electric vehicle (EV) market

CENS Takes Part in TiTE 2023: Connecting Hardware Industry Leaders


Unleashing global opportunities: The Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo embracing the worldwide market The Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo (TiTE 2023) made its highly anticipated debut in Taichung in 2022, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan's post-pandemic era. As Taiwa

鎖定五金工具復甦訂單 中經社TiTE 2023參展


台灣手工具工業同業公會在台中所主辦的「台灣國際五金工具博覽會Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo」宣布今年第二屆將擴大展會規模達140%,以積極回應來自產業前線的熱切需求。本屆TiTE 2023展前說明會,近三百家業者齊聚一堂,包括對全球知名品牌汽修工具大廠Jonnesway重威實業,都在為10月4日至6日在台中國際展覽館舉辦的盛會積極暖身,不但擴大參展規模,更備戰經濟復甦帶來的全球訂單商機。 擴大補助國際買主來台 中部供應鏈一站式採購服務 根據多項研究預測,全球去庫存情況將在今年下半年迎來新一波的產品回補需求。同時隨著疫情退燒,國

Auto parts tooling and molds supplier CHC prioritizes resilient capabilities


Chung Ho Cheng (CHC) Enterprise Co., Ltd. has acquired IATF16949 certification as an expert in steel, aluminum, copper materials, hot, warm, and combination forging capabilities, including comprehensive services for heat and surface treatments. CHC is currently providing parts for various industrie

Professional Zinc Die-Casting Manufacturer Tair Wang Supplies Top-Notch Auto Parts


Established in 1978, Tair Wang Enterprise Co., Ltd. is a renowned zinc die-casting manufacturer with ISO 9001 quality certifications. The company specializes in producing auto parts for American classic cars, Volkswagen classic cars, BMW classic cars, Harley-Davidson Motorcycles, and trucks. Over t

The 22nd Fastener Trade Show Suzhou is going to open its doors


As a grand festival for global fastener suppliers and buyers, the 22nd Fastener Trade Show Suzhou will open its doors from 25-27 October 2023 at Suzhou International Expo Center (SIEC), Jiangsu Province, China. The show will occupy halls D1 and E1, with a total exhibition area of 12,000 square

韓媒: 三星4奈米良率改善 分食台積電特斯拉訂單


三星晶圓代工部門傳再搶走台積電訂單。南韓媒體報導,三星繼取代台積電,為英特爾旗下自駕技術部門Mobileye生產晶片後,將再分食才剛交由台積電代工的特斯拉下一代全自動輔助駕駛(FSD)晶片大單,成為特斯拉未來Level-5全自駕車關鍵推手。 台積電正處於法說會前緘默期,不對任何外界傳聞置評。韓國經濟日報引述南韓產業人士指出,特斯拉下一代FSD晶片將由三星以4奈米製程生產,將用於特斯拉計劃三到四年後量產的「Hardware 5」(HW 5.0)電腦。 報導指出,三星之前是特斯拉較早版本FSD晶片代工廠,用於特斯拉旗下Model 3、Model S、Model X及Model Y等電

STI and MIH Consortium Join Hands on Development of AI Software for Smart Automobiles


On May 30, the Software Technology Institute (STI) and the MIH (Mobility in Harmony) Consortium signed an MOU (memorandum of understanding) for the collaborative development of smart driving software. This groundbreaking partnership represents a milestone in the co-development of AI software among

Foxconn Eyes on Advanced Automotive Intelligent Technology


“Foxconn can do more than just manufacturing.” Planning to release automobile intelligent technology applications related to ChatGPT on 10/18 HHTD (Hon Hai Tech Day), Foxconn has set up a department engaged in software development under the leadership of Chairman Young Liu. Their primary goal i

台灣國際五金工具博覽會 螺絲扣件展區擴大登場 金屬工業供應鏈吸引全球買主關注


由台灣手工具工業同業公會主辦的第二屆台灣國際五金工具博覽會(Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo, TiTE)將於10月4日至6日假台中國際展覽館擴大舉辦。手工具公會與螺絲公會、螺絲貿易協會等指標公協會結盟並與台灣國際扣件展相互推動,擴大螺絲扣件展區。透過持續與英國TORQUE、土耳其FastenerEurasia、日本金屬產業新聞、韓國i-CONNECTED、美國GlobalFastener及台灣FatenerWorld、Fastener007等國際緊固件及扣件媒體建立深度合作、全方位廣宣,洽邀全球買主,預期2023年螺絲扣件展區將吸引大量螺

Fastener Taiwan 2023 Returns: Where Quality Sets the Pace


With the theme "Where Quality Sets the Pace," the 6th Taiwan International Fastener Show (Fastener Taiwan 2023) made its highly anticipated return after a five-year hiatus. Held at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center from May 3 to May 5, the exhibition proved to be a remarkable success. Drawing the par

TIMTOS 2023 Post-Show Report


Intro Held from March 6 to 11 at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1 & 2 and TWTC Hall 1, Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS 2023) brings tremendous business opportunities for the machine tool industry in Taiwan. As the European Union and many countries around the world implem

AMPA to Kick Off on April 12


In an effort to seize the post-pandemic business opportunities, Taipei AMPA, AUTOTRONICS TAIPEI, and 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan will be jointly held as a three-in-one Mega show at the Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1 from April 12th to 15th. According to the statistics compiled by the event organize

New Energy Vehicles Developed on ICT Applications Holds Sway in Auto Industry


Showcasing a gamut of electric vehicles, auto electronics and related technologies, Consumer Electronics Show 2023 (CES 2023), running from January 5 through 8 in Las Vegas, the U.S., was wrapped up with impressive information to insiders looking for new opportunities amid industry-wide slump. B

Designing Furniture for Children`s Future


Since the founders' humble beginnings in the 1960s, traveling from his hometown in Chiayi County to urban Taipei City to learn a trade, he has dedicated the eventually-formed Kuang Shin Enterprise to providing quality products. Kuang Shin offers children's desks and chairs, computer chairs, furn