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The Economic Roundup is an excerpted translation of the Chinese-language ROC Economic Yearbook published by the Economic Daily News, a sister publication of the Taiwan Economic News. The yearbook is the most comprehensive and authoritative source for understanding the fundamentals of Taiwan's economy, both in the macro and micro aspects. The excerpted translation gives foreign readers a concise view of the island's overall economic picture. It is divided into four parts: general economy, primary industries, secondary industries, and tertiary industries.
 Tertiary Industry > Realty Industry
According to the statistics of Sinyi Real Estate Inc., in 2005 the domestic house purchase/households rate reached 5.96%, up 0.14 percentage points over the 2004 level, the highest increase rate over the past seven years, representing the fourth year in a row with a positive growth.

Among various municipalities on the island, Taichung city boasted house purchase/households rate of 10.74%, the highest, up 0.57 of a percentage point over the previous year, meaning for every 10 households in the city, one purchased house in the year. This was the second year running for Taichung to secure the laurel.

With the gradual upturn of the domestic economy and the support of government policies, such as the continuous provision of housing loans at preferential interest rates, the capability and willingness among local people for housing purchase picked up considerably, as evidenced by the trading volume in the housing market. In 2005, In 2005, the number of house trading cases in Taiwan rose 3.99% to 434,871, leading to higher house purchase/households rate, an indicator of the house-purchase capability and willingness among local people.

In the market of presold houses, in 2004 housing builders offered projects of presold and newly completed houses worth NT$650 billion in value in the five major districts in northern Taiwan, which rose further to NT$750 billion in 2005, the highest in the recent 10 years, underscoring the sustained strength of new offerings. Business of presold houses has been regarded as a leading indicator of the housing market. The brisk sales of presold houses underscore the rosy outlook of the housing market among housing buyers.

In 2004 and 2005, of the five major districts in northern Taiwan, Keelung, Taipei city/county, and Hsinchu all focused on the business of presold houses. Taoyaun was the only exception, whose housing market focused on the business of newly completed houses.

In recent year, with the volume of housing trading becoming increasingly stable, housing brokers, including Synyi Real Estate, Yung Ching Real Estate, and Chinatrust Real Estate, have focused their attention on the market of commercial real estates. After analyzing the data in the past five years, Chinatrust Real Estate finds that trading in commercial realty picked up along with the upturn in the housing market. In Taipei city, Taipei county, Taoyuan county, and Hsinchu city, share of commercial properties in various traded objects rose considerably, with Taipei city recording increase of 3.94 percentage points, the highest.

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