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The Economic Roundup is an excerpted translation of the Chinese-language ROC Economic Yearbook published by the Economic Daily News, a sister publication of the Taiwan Economic News. The yearbook is the most comprehensive and authoritative source for understanding the fundamentals of Taiwan's economy, both in the macro and micro aspects. The excerpted translation gives foreign readers a concise view of the island's overall economic picture. It is divided into four parts: general economy, primary industries, secondary industries, and tertiary industries.
 Tertiary Industry > Education And Training Service Industry
In recent years, Taiwan's education system has recorded impressive achievements, both in the expansion of quantity and the improvement of quality. In the school years of 2004 and 2005, there were 8,184 and 8,416 schools, respectively, at various levels on the islands of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu, continuing the growth trend of previous years. There was improvement in the average number of students under a teacher, as well as the average number of students in a class.

With Taiwan's accession to the World Trade Organization in January 2002, the liberalization and internationalization of the education market will be an inevitable trend. In addition to the domestic competition, the education and training service industry will also face the pressure from foreign educational institutions. Educational authorities and related establishments should strive together to cope with the upcoming challenges. In line with the social development and needs of Taiwan's people for learning opportunities, there is still ample room for development of kindergarten education services and the vocational training service business. In the face of drastic social changes, school education should grasp the pulse of social development and make proper and forward-looking adjustments in educational contents.

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