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The Economic Roundup is an excerpted translation of the Chinese-language ROC Economic Yearbook published by the Economic Daily News, a sister publication of the Taiwan Economic News. The yearbook is the most comprehensive and authoritative source for understanding the fundamentals of Taiwan's economy, both in the macro and micro aspects. The excerpted translation gives foreign readers a concise view of the island's overall economic picture. It is divided into four parts: general economy, primary industries, secondary industries, and tertiary industries.
 Secondary Industries > Optical Storage Industry
Aided by the steady growth in the desktop computer replacement market and low-price promotion campaigns for notebook computers worldwide, Taiwan's optical disc drives industry posted an annual sales growth of 4.6% in 2005 and DVD burners posted a higher production ratio than 2004 to reach over 30%.

Worth mentioning was that the global sales of DVD+/-R products posted a slower annual growth, at 54%, than 2004, due mainly to the lower-than-expected market demand in the U.S. market and a slowed growth in the Japanese market in 2005. Taiwan's production volume of such products grew only slightly to 2.65 million units last year.

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