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The Economic Roundup is an excerpted translation of the Chinese-language ROC Economic Yearbook published by the Economic Daily News, a sister publication of the Taiwan Economic News. The yearbook is the most comprehensive and authoritative source for understanding the fundamentals of Taiwan's economy, both in the macro and micro aspects. The excerpted translation gives foreign readers a concise view of the island's overall economic picture. It is divided into four parts: general economy, primary industries, secondary industries, and tertiary industries.
 General Economy > Human Resources
Taiwan's overall employment situation improved markedly in 2005, thanks to the steady growth of the global and domestic economy, and the government's various measures for boosting employment. In 2005, labor participation rate continued to pick up, reaching six-year high, the unemployment rate dropped to five-year low, and the number of the unemployed from business closures or contraction plunged. Employment in both the manufacturing and service sectors picked up substantially. Various figures underscored a vibrant job market in 2005.

In the year, the island's labor force reached 10.37 million, for an increase of 131,000, or 1.3%, over the 2003 level. The labor participation rate was 57.78%, 0.12 percentage points higher than 2004. The labor participation rate for males stood at 67.62%, down 0.16 percentage points from 2004, while that for females climbed further to 48.12%, a record high. Total employment reached 9.942 million persons, 156,000 or 1.6% more than the previous year. Of the three main sectors, only the agriculture suffered a decline, of 7.9%, in employment, while both the industry and service sectors saw employments rise 3.3% and 1.7%, respectively. The unemployed population stood at 428,000, 26,000 or 5.7% less than 2004. The number of involuntary unemployment due to business closures or contraction dropped 28,000 or 17.6%. In 2005, the unemployment rate dropped 0.31 percentage points to 4.31%, a five-year low. The unemployment rates for males and females decreased to 4.31% and 3.88%, respectively. Unemployment rates for various age groups all dropped. Except those with college or higher education, those with other education levels all saw a drop in their unemployment rates. In terms of trade, miners suffered the highest unemployment rate. Among different job categories, production-equipment operators and physical laborers had the highest unemployment rates.

In 2005, thanks to the stimulation of the recovering economy, there was marked increase in manpower demand in the job market. Moreover, the government continuously implemented "Challenge 2008: Key National Development Plan," timely formulated "New Ten Major Construction Projects" and "Guidelines and Action Plan for the Development of Service Industry, in order to accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, improve business operational environment, and step up constructions in the aspects of humanities, science and technology, environment, and daily life, thereby strengthen the momentum for the transformation and upgrading of the nation, stimulating the recovery of the domestic economy, and creating new job vacancies. In addition, it actively carried out various measures to boost employment. To provide assistance to disadvantageous laborers, such as middle-aged and aged persons and aboriginals, the government carried out "Six-Star Program for Healthy Taiwanese Communities" and "Program for Enhancing Employment of Aboriginals." In addition, it implemented the second-phase plan for the mid- and long-term "Program for Further Enhancement of Vocational Capabilities." As a result, average unemployment rate dropped to 4.13%, approaching the goal of the economic development plan to keep the rate at 4%.

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