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The Economic Roundup is an excerpted translation of the Chinese-language ROC Economic Yearbook published by the Economic Daily News, a sister publication of the Taiwan Economic News. The yearbook is the most comprehensive and authoritative source for understanding the fundamentals of Taiwan's economy, both in the macro and micro aspects. The excerpted translation gives foreign readers a concise view of the island's overall economic picture. It is divided into four parts: general economy, primary industries, secondary industries, and tertiary industries.
 Secondary Industries > Cotton Yarn Spinning Industry
Taiwan's spinners of cotton yarn have always given priority to upgrading manufacturing technology so as to win more contract orders. However, makers are forced to pay attention to management and marketing to counter the ever-changing market trends, the growing competition from rivals of the emerging textile nations and the increasing popularity of e-commerce. Globalization is also a matter of great concern. In the face of the WTO, internationalization and liberalization, only those firms that optimize their production efficiency through mergers or turn out specialized products albeit in small volumes, can survive in the future.

The industry is also threatened by the rapid development of synthetic fiber industry that is able to constantly roll out new products like carded yarn, artificial silk and linen that meet the varying needs of customers as far as their appearances, prices and applications are concerned. Taiwan's spinners should optimize the merits of cotton yarn to develop new cloths for industrial use in addition to consumer wear.

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