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These are in-depth pre- and post-show reports on major international trade fairs, held in Taiwan and other countries with significant participation by Taiwanese manufacturers and exporters. They are offered to help global buyers and other readers better understand what is going on at the fairs and the latest offerings by Taiwanese exhibitors.

IC Sector Strengthens Oct. Industrial Production Index</h2>

IC Sector Strengthens Oct. Industrial Production Index

Nov 24, 2020

The October industrial production index increased 7.06% YOY, according to the Dept. of Statistics under the Economic Ministry on Tuesday, reaching 122.0, a second-record high in terms of monthly indexes. The latest figures signal consecutive 9-month growth. Statistics Dept. head Huang Wei-chieh said the number of national holidays last month contributed to a slightly lower index than September...

United Daily News File Photo

Passive Component Industry Looks Optimistic Next Year: Industry

Nov 23, 2020

The passive component market could see sustainable yearly growth next year, at approximately 11.1%, markets say, with production capability around 10% and annual demand around 15%. Forecasts also indicate that MLCC and R-chip prices could grow in Q2 and Q3 next year. Domestic market reports point to the growing demand for 5G-capable smartphones, electric vehicles (EV), and automotive electroni...

Manufacturing Industry Lessens Decline Amid COVID Outbreak: Economic Ministry</h2>

Manufacturing Industry Lessens Decline Amid COVID Outbreak: Economic Ministry

Nov 20, 2020

The Economic Ministry released the manufacturing industry value data for Q3 on Thursday, reporting NTD$3.24 trillion, a 4.56% decline compared to last year's same period, marking a seven-quarter consecutive negative growth. Compared to the decline, as shown in Q2's negative 11.39%-decrease, the Economic Ministry suggested that the economic recession shows recovery signs. The ministry continues...

China Sees Record-Growth of NEV Sales in October</h2>

China Sees Record-Growth of NEV Sales in October

Nov 19, 2020

The latest October passenger car statistics from the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA) showed record-high new energy vehicles (NEVs) vehicle sales, boasting a 21%-growth compared to September. CPCA data indicated October sales hitting 191.992 million vehicles, an 8% yearly increase. New energy-powered cars 134,000 cars were sold, signaling a 112% yearly increase and a 21%-growth compared ...

RCEP Deal Impact on Certain Taiwanese Industries: Gov't</h2>

RCEP Deal Impact on Certain Taiwanese Industries: Gov't

Nov 16, 2020

With the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) — the world's largest free trade area, several of Taiwan's industries could see increased competition, reported the Economic Ministry. RCEP consists of the 10 ASEAN states, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and China. Even without the U.S. and India, the trade zone will cover about 2.2 billion people or 30 per...

Foxconn to Spearhead EV </h2>

Foxconn to Spearhead EV

Nov 13, 2020

Foxconn will be spearheading an electric vehicle platform called the "MIH Alliance," Foxconn Chairman Young Liu announced on Thursday, slated to attract big global names. Global giants such as Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, and MediaTek are among the 90 companies interested. The MIH aims to see the alliance hit its goals with the most impact in 2025, though Foxconn believe...

Oct. Export Data Continues Positive Growth Trend: Finance Ministry</h2>

Oct. Export Data Continues Positive Growth Trend: Finance Ministry

Nov 10, 2020

October's export figures made monthly records, reaching a yearly 11.2%-growth at USD$32.23 billion, reported statistics from the Finance Ministry. The Finance Ministry named three factors buoying October's good performance: digitalization of individual businesses, Apple's new iPhone launch, the nearing year-end shopping season, and businesses re-stocking inventory as the global economy begins ...

PMIC Shortage to Continue into 2021</h2>

PMIC Shortage to Continue into 2021

Nov 09, 2020

The current foundry model production is struggling amid increasing demand, while PMIC has run out of inventory. NB applications like power management IC suppliers have pointed out that the current supply shortage warned the situation would not let up prior before January next year. The power management IC suppliers said the shortage has continued since Q2, and while production has resumed, the...

Manufacturing Industry to Grow 4.75% in 2021: ITRI IEK</h2>

Manufacturing Industry to Grow 4.75% in 2021: ITRI IEK

Nov 05, 2020

Taiwan's 2021 manufacturing forecast suggests next year's industry value hit NTD$19.68 trillion, according to the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) ​​Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center (IEK). IEK reported an industry growth rate at 4.75%, with sectors like metal electromechanical, information electronics, chemical industry, and livelihood industry indicating positive growt...

5G Boosting Electronics Sales Factor for Uptick GDP Revision: SinoPac</h2>

5G Boosting Electronics Sales Factor for Uptick GDP Revision: SinoPac

Nov 04, 2020

Financial organizations are largely optimistic regarding Taiwan's economic performance by revising up their economic growth predictions. Analysts say the key is in the domestic and outbound demand rising in tandem and increasing demand for new technologies like 5G applications that have buoyed electronic product orders. However, economists at two international banks pointed out that Taiwan...