- 產品型號:
- MJB1327A
▲The main body, formed by welding is comprosed of quality steel plate and profile.
▲ Track adopts the high precesion beeline rack.
▲ Human oriented human-machine interface, which makes operation more convenient and reliable.
▲ The components of this machine mainly consist of foreign advanced products, they are safe and stable.
▲ Key-type dustproof cover can reduce air pollution in surrounding.
▲ The sawing & cutting speed is controlled by frequency adjustment, which applies to sawing & cutting requirements of different objects.
▲The movable backboard ensures the smooth pass of timber.
▲ Auto-reation is equipped for the sawing & cutting width if objects, return automatically once sawing & cutting is completed, which is convenient and fast.
▲ Air-floatation platform makes the work movement easier.