Taiwan to command half of global carbon-fiber bicycle supply in 2005

Sep 01, 2005 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Quincy, CENS
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Taipei, Sept. 1, 2005 (CENS)--There are at least two Taiwan carbon-fiber bicycle-frame makers planning to expand capacities to meet the increasing global demand, including Composite Technology Corp. and Advanced International Multitech Co.

Composite Technology, a composite-material bike-frame production subsidiary of Taiwan's Giant Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the world's largest bicycle maker, announced its decision to increase its capital for expanding its annual capacity of carbon-fiber bike frames to about 60,000 units from 30,000 units currently.

Advanced International, a leading supplier of both bike frames and golf-club heads, is evaluating to set up a new carbon-fiber composite-material plant in Taiwan, mainland China, or Vietnam so as to meet increasing demands from both local and foreign major bicycle brands such as Bianchi of Italy, Trek of the U.S. and Merida of Taiwan.

With the increasing frame supplies from upstream makers, top-three downstream complete-bike manufacturers in Taiwan, Giant, Merida and Ideal Bike Corp., are expected to ship over 70,000 carbon-fiber high-level bicycles this year, recording an annual growth of 30% to 70% in exports of such bikes. If including the shipment of another 12 second-class bike producers on the island, Taiwan's total exports of carbon-fiber bicycles are expected to hit 150,000 units this year, accounting for about half of the global supply.

Wong Guan-chuen, president of Composite Technology, said that his company's existing production lines are running at full capacity, yet still lagging behind the demand. The firm will soon recruit new technicians and give them intensive training, so that they can join production when the capacity-expansion is completed.

Advanced International claimed that it has stepped up procurement of various production equipment for carbon-fiber bicycle frames, and will soon determine the location of the scheduled new facility.

Meanwhile, quite a few local makers of composite-material bicycle parts are also ramping up their productions of composite-material front forks, frames, crank sets, brake systems, seat posts etc.
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