Taiwan's Electronics Show Lures More Mainland Chinese Exhibitors

Oct 11, 2005 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Electronics and Computers Ι By Ken, CENS
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Taipei, Oct. 11, 2005 (CENS)--Taiwan's Taitronics Autumn 2005 electronics trade show, kicking off today, receives 100 mainland Chinese exhibitors, surging from 2003 event's 70 exhibitors, according to co-organizer Taiwan Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers' Association (TEEMA).

Industry watchers point out the higher number of mainland Chinese exhibitors at the annual event suggests the political tension between the Taiwan Straits has eased. The organizers invited mainland Chinese suppliers for the first time in 2003. In the following year, the organizers were compelled to give up the invitation by rising tension.

The organizers said 250 to 300 representatives from the 100 suppliers will demonstrate their latest products at this show. However, the organizers declined to release the name list of these mainland suppliers.

Taiwan's industrial insiders note it is not easy for the organizers to convince many of mainland Chinese suppliers to take part in the show, not to mention the presence of Kieran O' Sullivan, Vice President of Motorola, and Sony PSP's executives, as the mainland and Hong Kong will be holding similar trade shows around the Oct. 11-15 timeframe.

The organizers estimated over 10,000 professional buyers and 40,000 visitors to attend the Taipei show, making this show the largest one of its kind in Asia.

Totally, 1,300 suppliers including 125 from overseas, will display their latest products at 2,898 booths on the show ground. This year, this show is dominated by three themes-automotive electronics, IP telecommunications and green electronics. The organizers arrange over 200 one-on-one procurement meetings for suppliers at this show.

To make the 2005 show internationally known, the organizers has contracted BBC World Service and BusinessWeek to expose the show to the world.
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