Light Bright alliance to launch digital TV broadcasting on Feb. 25

Feb 19, 2004 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Electronics and Computers Ι By Ken, CENS
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Taipei, Feb. 19, 2004 (CENS)--An alliance co-organized by local leading information-technology manufacturers DynaCommware Corp. and the Lite-On Group will launch digital TV broadcasting service on Feb. 25, heating up the competition in Taiwan's nascent but fast growing digital TV market.

The Light Bridge Alliance planned to sign up 100,000 subscribers in the first year of its broadcasting with preferential monthly rate of NT$600 (US$18 at US$1:NT$33) for 10 to 20 channels of programs and a set-top box for three consecutive years.

Lite-On Group's executives pointed out that the alliance will focus on the enterprise market in the initial stage.

With the DynaCommware's unique digitized guidance system, subscribers can easily link to the alliance's digitized TV programs on their normal TVs through the broadband asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) system.

The alliance has entered into alliance with six local enterprises including Taiwan SOK Shin Kong Security, Internet service provider Pchome, and e-commerce provider Systex Corp. They will offer services and contents on Light Bridge alliance's broadcasting platform.

In addition to the alliance, the Eastern Group and the KG Group have been actively preparing for the service. The state-run telecom provider Chunghwa Telecom has so far won government permission to run the service.

To handle the business, DynaCommware Corp., the initiator of the alliance, has organized an affiliate christened Digital Shuttle. Major shareholders of the affiliate include the Lite-On Group and John Hsuan, a vice chairman of chip foundry United Microelectronics Corp. DnynCommware is a leading Taiwanese manufacturer of set-top boxes, the crucial device for digital TV broadcasting and pay-TV broadcasting services, among others.
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