Yoshine to mass produce Ezy Copter ultra-light helicopter in 2005

Jul 16, 2004 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Quincy, CENS
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Taipei, July 16, 2004 (CENS)--Yoshine Tech. Co., a ultra-light helicopter maker in Taiwan, is scheduled to complete the construction of its new aircraft production plant in Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP) by the end of the year, with the plant to start mass production early next year, according to a ranking company executive.

Yoshine President Lin Cheng-hsiang made the statement at the firm's recent shareholders' meeting. Lin said his company has won orders for 300 helicopters.

According to Lin, Yoshine will display its third-generation Ezy Copter ultra-light helicopter model at an aircraft show to be held in mid-August in Taiwan. Lin added that his company is commissioning Aerospace Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC), the largest aircraft maker in Taiwan, to assemble two such new aircraft, including one training model.

Lin is very optimistic about his company's helicopter business in the future, especially after the Taiwan government promulgated a new law to open the sky for ultra-light human-carry aircraft activities. In addition, Yoshine has signed agent-right agreements with La Systems of U.K., Helitrade of Italy, Plasgold Enterprise of the Philippines , and Remax Group of the U.S. to allow them to sell its helicopter products.

Lin explained that the Ezy Copter helicopter is equipped with a dual-rotor propelling system and two engines, making the aircraft boast high safety, easy operation and extremely competitive price of only US$50,000 per unit, compared with US$100,000 to US$150,000 for its counterparts available in the segment.
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