Taiwan vows to bag 20% of world dual-network phone market by 2009

Aug 25, 2004 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Electronics and Computers Ι By Ken, CENS
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Taipei, Aug. 25, 2004 (CENS)--Taiwan will likely snatch up 20% of the world market for dual-network phones by 2009, brining it NT$400 billion (US$11.7 billion at US$1:NT$34) worth of business opportunities, according to an ad hoc panel of the Executive Yuan drawing up Taiwan's dual-network project.

The ad hoc panel has coordinated telecom-service providers, handset manufacturers and digital-content developers on the island to develop mobile phones connecting cellular network and wireless local area network (WLAN) simultaneously and their applications.

The participants include Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Cellular, Far EasTone Telecom, Mobitai Communications, BenQ, Asustek Computer, Mitac International, Gamania Digital Entertainment and Yam. They are scheduled to debut applications of the phones on Oct. 18.

The ad hoc panel pointed out that Taiwan's mobile-phone penetration rate reaches 118%, the island has bagged 90% of world's WLAN-equipment market and it has dominated 10% of the world mobile-phone market, the advantages for Taiwan to develop dual-network systems.

The organization pointed out that Taiwan can beef up its handset-manufacturing capability and even dominate world market for dual-network phones through the dual-network project.

Market research organization In-Stat-MDR estimated early this year that consumption of dual-network phones would increase to 220 million systems in 2009 from this year's 50,000 systems worldwide. In 2009, an estimated 700 million mobile phones of various types will be shipped as a whole.

Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs forecast Taiwan to double its share of the world handset market in 2009 from current 10%, brining it a revenue of NT$1 trillion (US$29.4 billion), partly thanks to production of dual-network phones.

The Executive Yuan's dual-network ad hoc panel indicated that Taiwan has a chance to become a format setter in the world dual-network phone industry since the industry has just started out, shaking off its long status as a contract supplier of world big names.

Taiwan's industry watchers pointed out that dual-network phones can help boost use of download digitized contents including music and games thanks to their high security environment.
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