MOA of Japan to Expand Presence in Taiwan

Aug 09, 2006 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Ben, CENS
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Taipei, Aug. 9, 2006 (CENS)--Mokich Okada International Association (MOA), one of Japan's most prominent producers of organic food, will take part in the 2006 Taiwan International Organic Life and Fashion Exposition, organized by Organic Lifestyle Enterprise Co., slated for Aug. 24-27 at the Taipei World Trade Center.

The exposition will attract major makers of natural food and food-processing machinery from the 10 nations of U.S., Japan, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, Taiwan, Brazil, and Costa Rica. In conjunction with the exposition, a seminar focusing on the current development trend of the organic market in Taiwan will be arranged.

This is the first time for MOA to display its organic food and natural lifestyle in Taiwan. MOA noted at present the most booming markets for organic food in Asia, in descending order, are Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan. The association anticipated the organic-food sector in Asia would be prosperous in the years to come.

With 100-strong distribution channels in Japan, MOA's major undertakings include the planning, R&D and distribution of natural food; supply of raw materials; and the promotion of natural farming. At present, MOA distributes more than 1,600 items of natural food, half of which came from abroad.

MOA said the concept of natural farming was advocated by Mokichi Okada in 1935. Okada formulated a philosophy that would become the foundation of the new civilization and constructed physical representations in the forms of “Shinsenkyo” and “Zuiunkyuo” to manifest the fundamental principles of the objective of his philosophy, the creation of a world of beauty.

When Okada began working on his prototypes of the new civilization, he designated “Shinsenkyo” as a “spiritual' prototype and “Zuiunkyo” as a “material” prototype. He designed these two sanctuaries in such a way that, once they were completed, each would influence the other, producing a universal energy that would cause the world of beauty to spread throughout the material world.

At the exposition, MOA will bring in a series of delicately selected organic food produced through the concept of natural farming.
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