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Layoff and Unpaid Leave Spread in Electronics Industry

2012/10/04 | By Philip Liu

Taipei, Oct. 4, 2012 (CENS)--Affected by the global economic downturn, layoff and unpaid leave is spreading in Taiwan's electronics industry, affecting some 3,000 persons, mainly in the fields of DRAM (dynamic random access memory), LED (light emitting diode), solar energy, and FPD (flat panel display).

Taiwan's major DRAM firms suffered NT$38.5 billion of loss in the first half this year. Following layoff of 1,300 staffers by ProMos Technologies, Nan Ya Technology will also reportedly cut 200 persons, about one tenth of its workforce. Rexchip has started to encourage employees to take leave and is considering to carry out unpaid leave.

Kao Chi-chuan, president of Nan Ya, admitted that after years of loss, the company will have to slim down, in order to turn around. He, though, refused to specify the scale of layoff of the company.

A ranking official of Nan Ya noted that manpower shrinkage is inevitable for Nan Ya, as it has decided to withdraw from the production of standard DRAM. The company, though, will try its best to transfer the laid-off staffers to its affiliates under Formosa Plastics Group.

In the solar energy sector, Gloria Solar, in which E-Ton Solar owns 50.76%, has applied with Southern Taiwan Science Park Administration for its 98 staffers to take three to four days of unpaid leave every month. It is the first local solar firm to apply for the implementation of unpaid leave amid the downturn of the photovoltaic industry.

In the LED sector, Huga Optotech laid off 62 staffers, out of its workforce of 740 persons, at the end of September and may carry out another wave of layoff by year end. Chi Mei Lighting Technology and High Power Opto also reportedly have layoff plans, which, though, have yet to be confirmed.