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Formosa Electronic Eyes E-Scooter, E-Bike Battery-pack Market

2012/04/05 | By Quincy Liang

Taipei, March 15, 2012 (CENS)--Formosa Electronic Industries Inc., a cellphone battery module packer in Taiwan, recently announced plans to venture into the e-scooter and e-bike battery-pack market, having tied up with a local light electric vehicle (LEV) motor producer in the e-scooter segment, won orders for more than 1,000 e-scooters, with the venture scheduled to start delivery in the third quarter.

A major battery-pack supplier to local smartphone maker HTC, Formosa Electronic controls patented technologies in built-in battery charging to better tap business opportunities in the e-PTW market.

In late 2011, Formosa Electronic successfully tapped into China's toy-vehicle battery market by supplying about 5,000 sets of lithium-ion battery packs.

Industry sources said that most Taiwanese battery-pack companies are keeping very low profile since the overall electric-vehicle (EV) market is still emerging. Over next two to three years, however, they added, these high-potential players are expected to flourish quickly with established technical capability and mature products.

Formosa Electronic is also trying to tap into other cellphone makers' supply chains this year. Insiders familiar with the company's operation said that the company has sent product samples to potential customers such as Compal Communications Inc. (contract assembler for Haier of China), Arima Communications Corp. (NEC Casio), Quanta Computer Inc. (Fujitsu Toshiba) and so on.