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Taiwan's Ind. Production Index Hits Record High of 130.34 in Nov.

2010/12/28 | By Judy Li

Taipei, Dec. 28, 2010 (CENS)--Taiwan's industrial production index hit record high 130.34 in November for a monthly rise of 6.61% after seasonal adjustment, according to the statistics released by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).

M. N. Tsai, deputy director general at Statistics Department of MOEA, indicated that this year the industrial performance is better than expected and the industrial production index for the full year might hit a new high with an estimated growth of 25%-26%.

In contrast, Japan's index in October experienced the fifth consecutive monthly drop and South Korea's the third consecutive monthly fall.

Thanks to the strong demand of consumer electronics for the Christmas season, the production index of Taiwan's electronic parts sector in November stood at 206.35, up 28.72% from that of a year earlier. Tsai said that the electronics industry will keep thriving due to foreseeable growing demand from the semiconductor and the emerging green energy industries.

Other industries including chemical materials, basic metals and machinery usually see hectic business during the winter season. In November the production index of machinery & related equipment posted at 122.69, up 58.09% from the corresponding figure of last year, the ninth consecutive monthly growth of over 50%.

Tsai predicted that the industrial production index in December will keep rising since the global demand remains strong, particularly from China where many segments thrive.