Taiwan mango exports not affected by SARS

Jul 15, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Willis, CENS
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Taipei, July 15, 2003 (CENS)--Taiwan's mango exports have not been affected by the recent outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), officials from Tainan County Government's Department of Agriculture said yesterday.

Tainan County, the major mango producing area in Taiwan, exports about 3,200 to 3,500 metric tons of fresh mangoes to Hong Kong and mainland China every summer, making the two areas the largest outlets for Taiwan mangoes, the officials said.

Some 1,000 metric tons of fresh mangoes have been exported to Singapore every year, while only about 100 to 150 metric tons have been shipped to Japan between June and September every year.

Although Japan has suspended its imports of Taiwan mangoes this year in the wake of the SARS outbreak, the officials said that the Japanese suspension has not had any impact on Taiwan's mango exports or the overall mango business, as exports to Japan constitute only tiny part of the entire business.
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