Acer, Microsoft to jointly offer EDC services

Mar 26, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Electronics and Computers Ι By Ben, CENS
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Taipei, March 26, 2003 (CENS)--Acer Inc. will tie up with Microsoft Taiwan to provide electronic data center (EDC) and Internet infrastructure services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan from March 27.

The new venture, dubbed the "e-Caring" program, will cover electronic operation and system security service and help domestic SMEs conduct business without worrying about operational interruption.

As part of the cooperation plan, Acer will switch its mega infrastructure EDC platform from a Linux-based system to a Microsoft operating platform. Acer president J.T. Wang said he would sign the cooperation deal with Microsoft Taiwan president M.L. Chiou.

One year after implementing its mega infrastructure electronic service, Acer found its performance has lagged behind expectation and considered changing the service structure. Some six months ago, Acer began contacting Microsoft Taiwan about launching a new service program for domestic SMEs.

Acer's mega infrastructure service is based on the same vision as Microsoft's '.NET' service. The company's mega infrastructure unit, Acer eDC, posted sales of NT$100 million (US$2.88 million at US$1:NT$34.7) last year and the figure is expected to double this year, according to Acer vice president Chang Shan-cheng.

Acer eDC currently serves several major clients, including Bank SinoPac, Chiao Tung Bank, Hsinchu Commercial Bank, Industrial Bank of Taiwan, Lottery Technology Service Corp., the Taiwan branch of ING Life Ins. Co., Trade-Van Information Services Co., Ruentex Construction and Development Co., and Kuang Chuan Corp.

Currently, Acer provides "instant electronic office" services for domestic enterprises for NT$6,000 (US$172.9) per month. After allying with Microsoft, Acer will also sell equipment needed by the firms for their electronic operations.
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