Fabric firms scramble to produce suede

Jul 22, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Ben, CENS
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Taipei, July 22, 2003 (CENS)--Taiwan's fabric firms, including Taiwan Taffeta Fabric Co., Hong Ho Precision Textile Co. and Wisher Industrial Co., are rushing to build up production of suede and super-thin filaments as demand for these materials rises.

Despite the decline of suede prices over the past few months, some domestic fabric manufacturers still believe that there is no challenger to the star product. Delicacy Industrial Co., Chia Her Industrial Co., Li Peng Enterprise Co., Everest Textile Co. and other large-sized manufacturers of suede are developing new-generation suede. Other firms that focus on conventional fabrics are also hoping to take a slice of the pie.

Hong Ho is enhancing the development of high-value-added functional fabrics, upholstery products and suede. Currently such products account for 40% of the company's total production value.

In recent years, Taiwan Taffeta Fabric has been developing high-value-added fabrics to differentiate its products from those made by mainland rivals. Over the past year, the company has developed high-end stretch fabrics, and at the end of last year, it has developed suede fabric.

At the beginning of this year Wisher stepped up the production of such high-margin materials as stretch fabric, super-thin filaments and suede.
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