Siward Crystal recorded 37% revenue growth in March

Apr 07, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Adam, CENS
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Taipei, April 7, 2003 (CENS)--Siward Crystal Technology Co., Ltd., a main local manufacturer of crystal oscillators and other devices listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, witnessed its revenue of NT$63 million for last month jump by 37% from March last year.

Siward Crystal's revenue for March also rose by 32% from February this year. The revenue growth was mainly due to the company's beginning delivery to the Japanese client JVC last month.

Siward Crystal brought in cumulative revenue of NT$171 million in the first quarter of this year, climbing by 43% from the same three months of last year and fulfilling 21.95% of the NT$779 million projected for this year.

The company suffered net (after-tax) loss per share of NT$0.45 last year but expects profitability this year. In the first two months of this year, the company reaped pretax profit of NT$7.6 million, translating into earnings per share (EPS) of NT$0.1.

For this year, Siward Crystal projects revenue of NT$779 million (up 41% from 2002), pretax profit of NT$42.7 million, after-tax profit of N$53.3 million, and net EPS of NT$0.7.
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