2003 Taipei Int'l Machine Tool Exhibition opening at TWTC

Mar 17, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Machinery & Machine Tools Ι By Carl, CENS
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Taipei, March 17, 2003 (CENS)--The 2003 Taipei International Machine Tool Exhibition, regarded as one of the largest of its kind in Asia, is scheduled to kick off at Taipei World Trade Center on Mar. 18.

A total of 524 makers from at home and abroad have registered to attend and will use a total of 1,986 booths. They will display their latest machining centers and metal cutting/forming machine tools at the show.

Taiwan's leading machine tool makers such as Yeong Chin Machinery Industries Co. and Victor Taichung Machinery Works Co. will attend the exhibition. Foreign counterparts from the U.S., Germany, Britain, Japan, and Switzerland are also invited to display their latest machine tools at the show.

One thing worth mentioning is that Swiss makers have organized a national exhibition center, consisting of about 40 exhibitors. This indicates that they have paid much attention to the show, ranking officials at the semi-official trade organization China External Trade Development Council (CETRA), the sponsor of the exhibition, said.

Taiwan Association of Machine Industry (TAMI) is the co-sponsor of the show. After years of research and development, Taiwan's machine tool makers have continued developing high precision, high speed, and combined function of products in recent year. Several eye-catching products will be displayed at the show, ranking TAMI officials said.

This exhibition is expected to attract over 50,000 buyers this year. It will last for six days and end on Mar. 23.
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