Taiwan's polyester textured yarn inventory down in Jan.

Feb 26, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Adam, CENS
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Taipei, Feb. 26, 2003 (CENS)--The inventory volume of polyester textured yarn in Taiwan stood at 57,651 metric tons at the end of last month, decreasing by 4.51% from the end of December last year.

According to the Taiwan Association of Synthetic Stretch Yarn Industries, the domestic inventory volume of polyester textured yarn at the end of January this year dropped by 2,723 metric tons or 4.51% from the 60,374 metric tons posted at the end of the preceding month.

All domestic producers of polyester textured yarn turned out 84,427 metric tons last month, rising by 3,089 metric tons or 3.80% from the 81,338 metric tons produced in December last year. In the meantime, the total delivery volume for January stood at 87,557 metric tons, growing by 1,736 metric tons or 2.02% from the 85,821 metric tons sold in the preceding month, the association indicated.

Meanwhile, the total stock volume of polyester filament yarn, the material of polyester textured yarn, also dropped by 6,075 metric tons or 13.08% from the 46,444 metric tons at the end of last December to the 40,369 metric tons at the end of January. However, the 23,685 metric tons of polyester filament yarn exported last month rose by 3.9% from the preceding month.

In anticipation of a considerable price hike of polyester textured yarn, local users of the product increased their procurement volumes to augment their inventories last month, mainly accounting for the decreases in the inventory volume of polyester textured yarn and that of polyester filament yarn, the association noted.

As a result of the increased local demand, the domestic sales prices per kilogram of polyester textured yarn recently went up by NT$6-7 to NT$62 for 75-denier grade, NT$53 for 150-denier grade, and NT$48-50 for 300-denier grade.
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