Rechi Precision posted new high air compressor delivery in January

Feb 17, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Machinery & Machine Tools Ι By Carl, CENS
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Taipei, Feb. 17, 2003 (CENS)--Rechi Precision Inc. said yesterday that it delivered 360,000 air compressors in January, up 47.94% from the same month a year ago and a historical high delivery in recent years.

The firm's revenue stood at NT$342 million in January, up 9.36% from NT$312 million recorded in the same month of 2002.

Rechi Precision has already completed the division of labor deployment across the Taiwan Strait.. The assembly ratio of air compressors in mainland China plant climbed to 35% in January, for example.

With the cut of production costs, the firm's gross profit rate reached 22% in January. Its revenue is expected to grow significantly in the following months.

Executives at Rechi Precision said that the firm has already obtained orders for up to 3.1 million air compressors as of the end of January. About one third of its air compressor assembly is conducted in its mainland China plant.

Meanwhile, Rechi Precision has completed grinding and scroll type air compressor production lines. They started formal production in December 2002. The production capacity of its rotary type air compressors can now reach 13,000 units per day.
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