MOEA sending trade mission to Australia, New Zealand

Jul 28, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Furniture Ι By Willis, CENS
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Taipei, July 28, 2003 (CENS)--Vice Economics Minister Yin Chi-ming yesterday departed for Australia and New Zealand as head of a delegation of representatives from over 30 firms to explore trade and investment opportunities with these countries.

The trade promotion mission is the first organized by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, in cooperation with the Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei, since the containment of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in late June.

Members of the delegation come from the local consumer electronics, hardware, plastics, automobile accessories, stationery, sporting goods, computer and telecom sectors.

Due to the containment of SARS and the conclusion of the U.S.-led war in Iraq in the first half of the year, now is the right time for Taiwan firms to seek two-way trade and business opportunities with Australia and New Zealand as August is the high season for foreign traders in the two countries to place orders, business sources said.

The two economies, both rich in agricultural and mineral resources, are complementary with Taiwan's production-oriented economy, the sources said. They added that Australia is also strong environment-related industries and that there is robust demand there for consumer and durable goods and electrical engineering parts and components.
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