Taiwan's commercial sales revenue up 5.89% to NT$757B. In July

Oct 01, 2003 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι Furniture Ι By Willis, CENS
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Taipei, Oct. 1, 2003 (CENS)--Taiwan's commercial sales revenue amounted to NT$757 billion in July, representing an increase of 5.89% over one month earlier and a gain of 4.67% over one year earlier, according to statistics compiled by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).

MOEA officials attributed the increase to the growing economic recovery at home and abroad, the rebound of the local bourse and the stronger buying power shown after the end of the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic.

Total revenue of the wholesale sector came to NT$494.8 billion in July, up 3.02% from the same month of last year, with sales of cars, motorcycles and related parts and accessories, foodstuffs and education goods increasing significantly.

Retail sales revenues totaled NT$238.2 billion in July, up 8.18% from one year earlier, with sales of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, detergents, household electrical appliances and auto parts and accessories recording higher growth than other products.

Total sales revenue recorded by mass merchandizers or distribution centers came to NT$56.3 billion in July, up 6.61% from one year ago; and combined revenue of department stores amounted to NT$14.1 billion in July, edging up 0.62% from one year earlier.

In the first seven months of the year, the island's total commercial sales revenue amounted to NT$5.0164 trillion, for an annual increase of 2.88%, the same tallies showed.
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