ASRD transfers nanometer flexible-material development techniques to private firms

Jan 03, 2005 Ι Industry In-Focus Ι General Items Ι By Quincy, CENS
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Taipei, Jan. 3, 2005 (CENS)--The Aeronautical Systems Research Division (ASRD) of Taiwan's Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) under the Ministry of National Defense has transferred the technologies for developing nanometer flexible materials to some local private companies, according to ASRD sources.

The new technologies, ASRD claimed, are expected to generate production value of over NT$500 million (US$15.53 million at US$1: NT$32.2) in the next five years. ASRD developed the nanometer flexible material technique using the subsidies from a science and technology project sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Fourteen private companies participated in the development project, including yacht makers, aerospace manufacturers, airline companies and chemical-material producers.

Liu Hsin-hua, director of ASRD, said that more and more local companies are interested in joining the joint development projects. ASRD is still carrying out several aerospace-related science projects, including composite-material rotor-blade development; civil aircraft structure system integration and maintenance management; and high-level pump development, etc.

Liu pointed out that the flexible-material development project was kicked off three years ago to utilize ASRD's technological capability and experiences in aerospace-related fields to help private makers upgrade their technologies and products.

Liu said that the new technology could greatly upgrade the production techniques of local makers of rubber products, oil seals, air seals, shock absorbers and other dampener products.

In the same project, Liu said, ASRD has also developed several key techniques and already transferred them to local interested companies.
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