Quick-Tech Joins CNC Lathe Fast-Track

Mar 28, 2005 Ι Supplier News Ι Machinery & Machine Tools Ι By Ben, CENS
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With over a decade of manufacturing experience in the lathe field, Quick-Tech Machinery Co., formerly World Pacific Machinery, has rapidly expanded its product lines to include high-added-value complex machining centers in addition to general-purpose machine tools.

At the end of 1998, Quick-Tech moved to a new 36,000-square-foot plant, 10 times bigger than its original facility. At about the same time, the company obtained the ISO-9002 international quality assurance certification; and last year the company was awarded the ISO9001:2000 certification from UKAS.

While other lathe manufacturers in Taiwan are scrambling to develop large-sized machines, Quick-Tech has stuck to small precision models. This strategy has helped it sidestep intense competition, leaving it with a backlog of orders.

Last year Quick-Tech introduced a new multi-axis, multi-station, and dual-spindle lathe for complex machining jobs.

In addition to turning out cutting-edge products, Quick-Tech has earned accolades from its customers for its punctual delivery, reasonable pricing, and flexible production ability.

The company sells its machines under the "QuickTech-Smart" brand in many overseas markets, and uses its "Intertech" and "Guss & Roch" brands for sales to the U.S. and Mexico, respectively.

Quick-Tech currently exports half of its output to the U.S. and Europe. Asia takes up 20% and the Middle East and Russia jointly absorb 10%. The company currently has sales agents in Germany, Italy, Britain, the Netherlands, and Finland.

Quick-Tech Machinery Co., Ltd.
Tel: 886-6-384-1155
Fax: 886-6-384-1166
E-mail: quick.tech@msa.hinet.net
Website: www.quicktech.com.tw
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