Quality & Fast Delivery From Tool Specialist Shang-Tzang-Wang

Mar 28, 2005 Ι Supplier News Ι Machinery & Machine Tools Ι By Ben, CENS
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Shang-Tzang-Wang Enterprise Co., Ltd. Is one of only a handful of precision-cutting tool manufacturers in Taiwan.

The company develops most of its products and markets them under the "ST. Wang" brand. "We have always been committed to raising our manufacturing skill to produce sophisticated cutting tools," says company president Wang Hsin-ren.

Wang says prompt after-sale service is another focal point of his company. "Our overseas customers increasingly demand fast delivery, and we have invested a lot of time and money to meet this need," Wang says.

Headquartered in Kaohsiung City, southern Taiwan, the company has set up liaison offices in mainland China's Xiamen, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang province, and Shanxi province.

At present, the company's product lines include tungsten-steel cutting tools, high-speed drilling head, high-speed mills, and boring mills. The company claims that its tungsten-steel cutting tools are suitable for use on hard-to-cut metals.

The company exports a majority of its output, mostly to mainland China and Southeast Asian nations.

Shang-Tzang-Wang says it has developed a good reputation in Taiwan and abroad for its high-quality products and fast delivery. The company increased sales by 30% last year and it expects similar growth in 2005.

"Our sales growth is closely related to the performance of the global machine-tool market as our products are mainly used in machine tools," says Wang. "The outlook of this market is promising, so I expect our sales will continue to continue on an upward trend this year."

Shang-Tzang-Wang Enterprise
Co., Ltd.
Tel: 886-7-771-3225
Fax: 886-7-725-1618
E-mail: stw.st@msa.hinet.net
Website: www.stwang.com.tw
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