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We are in business to provide superior product service from Taiwan and China. By becoming a trustworthy, fast responsive, and innovative team member of our worldwide customers, we create value and reduce costs. Co-existing with our customers is the goal of our group of companies.
With more than 20 members, each member of our group has extensive working history with many customers (including OEMs) in Middle East, Europe, and North America. Our lines of products are: home appliance, computer parts, networking products, auto parts, and mould making.
Four years ago, the group was shaped to reduce costs, and to utilize synergistic effects of global presence as a team. We are extending such benefits to a greater group including our new array of customers by working as a fully crossfunctional team.
Our customers have been involved with us in product designing, modification, and market intelligence gathering. Reciprocally our producers have provided cost reduction, design betterment, supply sources diversification, and technological innovations to jointly create a superior service and coexisting environment. We are targeting greater market focus, more affordable prices, and lower costs.


各式小家电, 电熨斗, 吸尘器, 保温壶, 榨汁机, 果汁机, 绞肉机, 空气清净机, 吹风机, 立扇, 烤箱, 净水器, 测速警示器, 各式模具, 塑胶射出模具, 压铸模具, 铝射出模具, 塑钢模具, 安全背心, 故障三角警示架, 反光指挥棒, 汽车车灯, 迷你压缩机

公司名称: 彬硕实业有限公司
