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Shen Meng Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd.

Vehicle suspension parts, A-arm, steering axle, rod-end beari

2010/08/24 | By Quincy Liang | SHEN MENG TRAFFIC EQUIPMENT CO., LTD.

Shen Meng Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd., established more than 40 years ago, has been a major supplier of powered two-wheeler (PTW) fuel locks and other parts, and the firm has successfully expanded its product lines to include various kinds of suspension parts for car, all terrain vehicle (ATV), UTV (utility vehicle, or side-by-side in North America) applications.

Many of the company's quality products are globally patented. It has developed series A-arms, steering axles, rod-end bearings, steering rods etc. for cars, ATVs, UTVs, special vehicles, snowmobiles, golf carts, and agricultural/industrial vehicles.

Tele: 886-4-771-1256, Fax: 886-4-771-4048, E-Mail: fuelcock@ms37.hinet.net